@@ -157,6 +157,80 @@ def test_get_event_from_deque():
assert utils.get_next_event_from_deque(d) is None
+def test_validate_report_measurement_dict_missing_items(caplog):
+ measurement = {'name': 'rainbows'}
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
+ utils.validate_report_measurement_dict(measurement)
+ assert str(err.value) == (f"The measurement dict must contain the following keys: "
+ "'name', 'description', 'unit'. Please correct this.")
+def test_validate_report_measurement_dict_invalid_name(caplog):
+ measurement = {'name': 'rainbows',
+ 'unit': 'B',
+ 'description': 'Rainbows'}
+ utils.validate_report_measurement_dict(measurement)
+ assert measurement['name'] == 'customUnit'
+ assert (f"You provided a measurement with an unknown name rainbows. "
+ "This was corrected to 'customUnit'. Please correct this in your "
+ "report definition.") in caplog.messages
+def test_validate_report_measurement_dict_invalid_unit():
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
+ measurement = {'name': 'current',
+ 'unit': 'B',
+ 'description': 'Current'}
+ utils.validate_report_measurement_dict(measurement)
+ assert str(err.value) == (f"The unit 'B' is not acceptable for measurement 'current'. Allowed "
+ f"units are: 'A'.")
+def test_validate_report_measurement_dict_invalid_description(caplog):
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
+ measurement = {'name': 'current',
+ 'unit': 'A',
+ 'description': 'something'}
+ utils.validate_report_measurement_dict(measurement)
+ str(err.value) == (f"The measurement's description 'something' "
+ f"did not match the expected description for this type "
+ f" ('Current'). Please correct this, or use "
+ "'customUnit' as the name.")
+def test_validate_report_measurement_dict_invalid_description_case(caplog):
+ measurement = {'name': 'current',
+ 'unit': 'A',
+ 'description': 'CURRENT'}
+ utils.validate_report_measurement_dict(measurement)
+ assert measurement['description'] == 'Current'
+ assert (f"The description for the measurement with name 'current' "
+ f"was not in the correct case; you provided 'CURRENT' but "
+ f"it should be 'Current'. "
+ "This was automatically corrected.") in caplog.messages
+def test_validate_report_measurement_dict_missing_power_attributes(caplog):
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
+ measurement = {'name': 'powerReal',
+ 'description': 'RealPower',
+ 'unit': 'W'}
+ utils.validate_report_measurement_dict(measurement)
+ assert str(err.value) == ("A 'power' related measurement must contain a "
+ "'power_attributes' section that contains the following "
+ "keys: 'voltage' (int), 'ac' (boolean), 'hertz' (int)")
+def test_validate_report_measurement_dict_invalid_power_attributes(caplog):
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
+ measurement = {'name': 'powerReal',
+ 'description': 'RealPower',
+ 'unit': 'W',
+ 'power_attributes': {'a': 123}}
+ utils.validate_report_measurement_dict(measurement)
+ assert str(err.value) == ("The power_attributes of the measurement must contain the "
+ "following keys: 'voltage' (int), 'ac' (bool), 'hertz' (int).")
def test_parse_duration():
assert utils.parse_duration("PT1M") == timedelta(minutes=1)