The EndDeviceAssets are the physical device or devices which could be meters or other types of devices that may be of interest
The MeterAsset is the physical device or devices that performs the role of the meter
A pricing node is directly associated with a connectivity node. It is a pricing location for which market participants submit their bids, offers, buy/sell CRRs, and settle.
An aggregated pricing node is a specialized type of pricing node used to model items such as System Zone, Default Price Zone, Custom Price Zone, Control Area, Aggregated Generation, Aggregated Participating Load, Aggregated Non-Participating Load, Trading Hub, DCA Zone
A customer ServiceLocation has one or more ServiceDeliveryPoint(s), which in turn relate to Meters. The location may be a point or a polygon, depending on the specific circumstances. For distribution, the ServiceLocation is typically the location of the utility customer's premise.
Logical point on the network where the ownership of the service changes hands. It is one of potentially many service points within a ServiceLocation, delivering service in accordance with a CustomerAgreement. Used at the place where a meter may be installed.
The Transport Interface delineates the edges at either end of a transport segment.
The Node is a place where something changes (often ownership) or connects on the grid. Many nodes are associated with meters, but not all are.
The mRID identifies the physical device that may be a CustomerMeter or other types of EndDevices.
Apparent Energy, measured in volt-ampere hours (VAh)
Reactive Energy, volt-amperes reactive hours (VARh)
Real Energy, Watt Hours (Wh)
Base for the measurement of Energy
Apparent Power measured in volt-amperes (VA)
Reactive power, measured in volt-amperes reactive (VAR)
Real power measured in Watts (W) or Joules/second (J/s)
Base for the measurement of Power